Giving to EIN
Thank you for helping us take the life-changing lessons from the land of the Bible to audiences everywhere! We’re in the process of tackling our biggest project ever. Want to learn more about the new website/app we’re building? It could take our extensive library of drone video clips and other visuals to pastors and Bible teachers all over the world! Click here to read an update in our January newsletter!
Giving online is safe and easy. However, if you prefer to mail a gift, our mailing address is: EIN, 164 Old South Way, Ft. Valley, GA 31030.
Like many non-profit charities and churches, we are also able to receive gifts of real property, including gifts of stock and required minimum distribution amounts from qualifying IRA accounts.
Here’s an IRS article on how to designate any non-profit (including churches) organization as the recipient of your annual RMD. This article might be more readable, especially if the idea is new to you.
Giving stock can carry tax benefits for the donor. Here’s an article discussing the pros and cons of giving real property to non-profit organizations.