Click this link to view and download the update, 61-page study guide for this conference.
Are you ready for more life-changing lessons from the land of the Bible?
Pastor Andy Cook is returning to Concord Baptist Church for a third round of Experience Israel Now presentations October 3-6, 2021!
It’s a church-wide event, hosted by Senior Adult Pastor Bill Parnell. We’ll take virtual tours to all parts of Israel, and in this conference, far beyond the borders of Israel.
The conference will start during the Sunday morning worship hour for the entire church! Then we’ll be meeting at Concord Baptist Church Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. each day. Want to download the special Bible study guide for the morning sessions? Click here!
Monday and Tuesday will also feature 6:30 p.m. sessions. On Wednesday, we’ll have our final session at 6 p.m.